90s Skateboard Shirts

My problem with skateboard shirts today is they are all $28 to $40. My price point is still stuck back in 1997 when they were $17 and even less when on sale. Oh well.

There are some rad shirts in these catalogs. The 23 Hot Wheels shirt looks awesome. Birdhouse was crushing it with shirts back then. Impressively, all the Birdhouse shirts were different from the summer and winter catalogs. I’m pretty sure I had the DC ringer shirt but maybe it was the Droors ringer. Shorty’s, World Industries, and Spitfire all had some nice designs here.

Click here to see the main post on these CCS catalogs with links to the decks, wheels, shoes, and more.

Summer 1997 Skateboard Shirts

Winter 1997 Skateboard Shirts

That’s it for now.

Stay rad. 😎🍕