Lego Eiffel Tower is Here

The Lego Eiffel Tower is the Tallest Lego Set Yet!

As soon as I had the idea for this website, I know I wanted to cover Lego’s. So I was happy to see a perfect opportunity to get that coverage started. Lego is releasing a Eiffel Tower Lego set. The set includes 10,001 pieces and will be 59 inches tall when assembled. At an inch shy of 5 feet tall, this is the tallest Lego set to date.

This Lego set goes on sale on November 25 and will cost $630.

This is a massive Lego set. Which made me wonder:

How does it scale with a Lego minifigure in comparison to the real Eiffel Tower and a human?

Here is my terrible math to explain it. I rounded off decimals and my height and the minifigure height to make it easier.

The real Eiffel Tower is 984 feet tall at the architectural top and 1083 feet tall at the very tip of the antenna..

Let’s round my height to 6 feet tall.

So the real Eiffel Tower is 164 times my height to the architectural top and 180 times my height to the antenna top.

The Lego minifigure is roughly 1.5 inches tall.

The Lego Eiffel Tower is 59 inches tall.

The Lego Eiffel Tower is 39 times the height of a Lego minifigure.

So no, the Lego Eiffel Tower doesn’t scale with a Lego minifigure in comparison to the real Eiffel Tower.

How tall would the Lego Eiffel Tower need to be to match the scale?

Well let’s assume the Lego minifigure would be 6 feet tall in real life. I know that’s not realistic or fair but that makes the math easy.

The Lego Eiffel Tower would need to be 246 inches to 270 inches tall depending on if you are scaling it to the architectural top or tippy top.

That’s 20 to 22 feet tall! Can you imagine a Lego set Eiffel Tower that’s 20 feet tall?!

Maybe 5 feet tall is better. It can be displayed on a table top and won’t take up an entire warehouse. Who cares that the Lego Eiffel Tower is 4 times too small. Not me.

I wish I could get this LEGO set but I can’t. Because it would lead to a slippery slope problem.

Because once I have the Eiffel Tower complete in the center of the table, well then I need the rest of Paris. There would be the present day Paris section, and then the WWII era quadrant, and then the medieval Lego style quadrant, and then the futuristic space travel Paris quadrant. Then after Paris is all built out I would feel compelled to build a little English Channel and a Hogwarts on the other side of it and then jump across the Atlantic to Gotham City for the Batcave build out. Then while in Gotham I would need to make a detour to build the Central Perk coffee shop Lego build. Batman needs coffee like everyone else. After that detour, the build leads over to Hawkins, Indiana for the Stranger Things build out. That leads to the Halloween village perfectly which then leads to the Christmas village. After the Christmas village I would have to build a winter wonderland which would probably be located in the Swiss Alps, next to the French Alps. And if I’m in the French Alps I’m going to build a nice Tour de France Lego build out which as we all know finishes in Paris. Building all that out would cost $100,000, take up a gigantic space, and the rest of my life. And then 5 minutes later my kids would want to take it all apart so they could play a different Lego game. And I would help them. It sounds pretty cool but I am not prepared to go down that road right now.

That’s it for now.

Stay rad. 😎