Admin Update: Cleaning Up Shop

I’ve made some tweaks to the site.

I have switch the theme over to Cyanotype. I’m still deciding if it will be a keeper.

You can now see the date published in every post. The last post was November 1, 2023, and now it’s 2025 already!

I’ve changed my display name to Rusty Rad. This is inspired by Bobby Hundreds of The Hundreds who was inspired by Joey Ramone, Johnny Ramone, Dee Dee Ramone, and Tommy Ramone of, the Ramones.

I’ve also deleted the contact form. I’ve received a little over 1000 emails through that contact form this year and I think they were 99.9% spam. I had to bulk delete them all. Hopefully I didn’t delete any legit emails. If I did, SORRY!

I shut down the Rad Pursuits newsletter that was on Beehiiv. Gone. Deleted. It was too much.

Anyways that’s enough of the boring stuff.

Thanks for reading,

Rusty 😎